Kia Cadenza vs Kia K900

Which Kia Sedan is Better: 2019 Kia Cadenza Versus 2019 Kia K900?

Sedan Comparison: Kia Cadenza vs Kia K900

Have you ever wondered which Kia luxury sedan is better between the 2019 Kia Cadenza and the 2019 Kia K900? If so, then you have come to the perfect place! The staff at Kia of Irvine is knowledgeable about both of these excellent sedans and can help you find which option is superior. Let’s take a closer look at the 2019 Kia Cadenza and the 2019 Kia K900 together! Read the rest of this entry >>

Two Models of the 2019 Kia Rio

What Interior Fabric and Exterior Paint Color Options are Available on the 2019 Kia Rio?

2019 Kia Rio Interior Fabric and Exterior Paint Color Options

Are considering buying a 2019 Kia Rio? If so, then you have a few key choices ahead of you! One of the biggest choices you will need to make is what exterior paint color and interior fabric color you would like for your 2019 Kia Rio. The staff at Kia of Irvine is here to help you make the best decision possible! Let’s check out the color options together! Read the rest of this entry >>


How Can You Celebrate Easter 2019 Near Irvine CA?

Celebrating Easter 2019 Near Irvine CA

Are you struggling to find a place to celebrate the Easter holiday with your family in Irvine, CA? If so, then you should consider exploring the Easter events recommended by the staff at Kia of Irvine! These three events are sure to make your Easter holiday celebrations special! Let’s take a brief look at these excellent events together! Read the rest of this entry >>

Dashboard Warning Light

What Do the Dashboard Warning Lights on Your Kia Vehicle Mean?

Kia Dashboard Warning Lights

Have you ever wondered what the various warning lights on your Kia vehicle’s dashboard mean? If so, then you will find the following information very beneficial! There are many different warning lights that could appear on your Kia vehicle’s dashboard while you are driving. You may find it useful to know which warning requires immediate action and which warring you can afford to take care of later on. The staff at Kia of Irvine can also help you answer more specific questions about the dashboard warning lights found on your Kia vehicle. Let’s explore the meaning of the Kia dashboard warning lights together! Read the rest of this entry >>